Ingat Waktu Coy

Selasa, 31 Juli 2012

Arisan JempoL

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___.`Sumber: facebook-anyar.blogspot

Facebook Timeline Cover 2

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Kabita ku Abah Oding mantan tukang bubur asal cianjur yang sekarang menjabat sebagai designer bajigur :D

Memang benar seperti apa yang telah diramalkan oleh sang Master sotoshop 7.0 itu; Insya Allah deudeuieun (pengen ganti mulu dan merasa ngga puas) wkwk.. tiasaan wae siakang eta mah.

Tapi yang jadi masalah buat saya, pas pertama kali nyoba susahnya minta ampun!!. Oke sekali berhasil, tapi kan katanya tea sok deudeuieun :D, pas keduanya cape juga sih mesti ngukur-ngukur pixel satu-satu,, waduh,, pegel!

Aha..!,, untunglah ada kenalan saya yang menyarankan untuk berobat ke kelinik cang-ciang!,, setelah TIGA KALI berobat sekarang ... saya pake PhotoShop Actions. Emang masih ribet sih pertama bikin actions nya doang, tapi setelah jadi, actionsnya bisa dipake berulang-ulang :).

Photoshop Actions Tutorial

Membuat Action Dengan Photoshop

Download: (PhotoShop®CS2 Actions)

  1. Membuka jendela Actions: Alt+F9

  2. Buka gambar, utak-atik utak-atik,
    kalo udah kenyang, pilih action Crop pp dan play..

  3. Save ke-2 file hasilnya dengan format JPG terus Upload dah,, di-en.

___.`Sumber: namapanjang.blogspot

Cover TimeLine Facebook

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Menurut abah oding designer lemot yang cuma bisa edit poto di sotoshop 7.0 dengan teman CPU Pentium I Celerong yang tiap 1 jam sekali nge'restart di kampung gue,

Katanya bikin Cover dan PP TaimLen Pesbuk musti merhatiin ini:

1. Carilah pics/gamar yang format png, jpeg juga bisa asal sizenya gede

>> lo bisa browsing di abah google

>> masukan dikotak penulusuran ke gni, misal ieu mah :

(anime titik png)

>> temuin pics yang big alias gede ke gni, misal ieu mah :

(width titik dua 1024, height titik dua 768)

kenapa musti gede :

(ceuk abah oding biar gamarna teu nge'BLUR' alias 'peupeus')

2. klo pics na udah dapat yang menarik tinggal melaju ke langkah kedua

>> awal lo buat PPnya dulu yang semenarik mungkin

(menurut abah oding : width titik dua 180 pixel, height titik dua 180 pixel)

>> sambil selonjoran yang kudu di inget PP usahakan yang unik ke gni :

berkaitan erat dengan sampul (titipan abah oding ieu ge)

contoh :

>> sekarang terakhir buat sampulnya

(menurut abah oding : width titik dua 851 pixel, height titik dua 315 pixel)

contoh :

>> usaha'in PP sama sampul ada keterkaitan, jangan diadu domba

(ceuk bah oding kudu satu'TEMA alias nyambung dengan Cover)

3. lihat deh hasilnya


>> Insya Allah deudeuieun

(pengen ganti mulu dan merasa ngga puas)

___.`Sumber: aing-creations.blogspot

Firefox Boost Speed Download

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If you are a regular downloader and love to download all kinds of stuff from Internet and you do not use any kind of download managers than FireDownload can be your best alternate which when combined with Firefox will provide you 10 times acceleration on your downloads so that means you will get state of the art download speed without even spending a penny because this add-on is available for free.

FireDownload is the extension which will provide you furious speeds on the go without any problems. So you just needed to install this add-on on your Firefox browser and than just download anything and your downloads will be boosted using this add-on.

Installing FireDownload Add-on on Firefox :

If you want to install this add-on you can grab it from just click on Install for Windows on your Firefox browser and than this add-on will be installed. Now just restart your browser once and than try downloading any file from the internet and see the difference.

Also Check Out : Boosting Firefox Speeds using SpeedyFox

Make sure you comment below if you find any problems using this add-on and do share this post with all your friends by liking it below on Facebook and +1 it too.

___.`Sumber: irl4nd.blogspot

Internet Download Manager 6.10

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Internet Download Manager is the fastest download accelerating software and we made it more fast using a simple tool called IDM Optimizer, so now you just need to download this download manager and your downloads will be automatically boosted.
If you are a regular reader on our website than you might know that we have provided many version of IDM which served you everytime you needed them.

So this is the latest version of IDM up to date provided by them and its has fixed many bus and also adding many new features. This latest version has fixed some Internet Explorer tracking bugs and earlier version have added support for Firefox 11 and 12 so download IDM 6.07 Build 2 and follow instructions given in the package for installation procedure.

Download Link : Dropbox

If you are not satisfied with the crack provided than you check out another post we posted on IDM Cracker Tool that can help you out. Well hope you liked this post have fun and enjoy.

___.`Sumber: irl4nd.blogspot

Capture Screenshot Mouse

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How is it possible to capture a screenshot including the mouse cursor?

IrfanView allows it to capture screenshots including the mouse cursor.

Masuk ke menu Option | Capture/Screenshot

Sesuaikan/Pilih Area yang mau di Capture

Atur kalo mau pake Timer atau Hot key Sendiri

Atur apa mau nge_Capture plus mouse cursor atau tidak

Hasil Screenshot-nya mau langsung di simpen apa mau di edit dulu

Settingan di atas Cukup sekali aja, kesananya tiap kali mau nge-Shot elo tinggal mencet-mencet tombol Hot Key yang udah lo setting di atas

Pastiin pas elo nge-Save untuk hasil terbaik setting Quality-nya ke 100

Have fun. Nice shot!

___.`Sumber: namapanjang.blogspot
